Other item detail

item_1885 High-Grade Suede
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Farhite Lad 44 2,72% 2x 1
Swamp Tribe 45 11,76% 1x 1
Carinkain 45 3,40% 1x 1
Vanor Silenos 45 3,24% 1x 1
Bloody Bat 45 3,03% 2x 1
Ancient Experiment 45 21,18% 4x 3 - 9
Trisalim Tarantula 46 0,91% 4x 1
Varangka's Dre Vanul 46 1,73% 1x 1
Tarlk Bugbear 47 3,44% 1x 1
Horrifying Cannon Golem I 48 2,60% 2x 1
Tarlk Bugbear Warrior 48 1,72% 2x 1
Cruma Phantom 50 19,34% 4x 3 - 9
Deadly Ginzu Golem V 53 3,70% 4x 1
Purgatory Invader Archer 53 8,74% 1x 1
Farcran 53 3,66% 1x 1
Grave Guard 54 3,54% 1x 1
Fallen Orc 55 3,64% 1x 1
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 55 0,78% 1x 1
Freya's White Bear 57 4,88% 4x 1
Grave Lich 57 1,45% 2x 1
Luminun 58 2,90% 1x 1
Freya's Servant 58 5,32% 4x 1
Cave Maiden 59 3,41% 1x 1
Blood Queen 60 1,49% 4x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Warrior 63 4,46% 2x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Timak Orc Troop Warrior 43 98,09% 1x 1
Arcane Guardian 81 92,59% 1x 8 - 24
Sand Scorpion 81 90,98% 1x 8 - 24
Grazing Buffalo 78 90,29% 1x 4
Alpine Buffalo 67 90,26% 1x 2
Greater Evil 83 90,16% 1x 8 - 72
Wandering Caravan 81 90,09% 1x 4
Imperial Commander 78 89,36% 1x 8
Cruma Phantom 50 89,30% 1x 8 - 168
Grave Wanderer 45 87,32% 1x 1
Passageway Captain 83 85,22% 1x 8 - 72
Seychelles 81 84,44% 1x 2
Beleth's Devotee 83 83,23% 1x 8 - 104
Male Spiked Stakato 74 77,47% 1x 8
Catacomb Stakato Soldier 38 70,37% 1x 2
Salamander Rowin 33 70,35% 1x 1
Imperial Commander 78 69,63% 1x 8 - 24
Enchanted Monstereye 41 66,12% 1x 1
Kanil Succubus 32 65,02% 1x 1
Harit Lizardman Matriarch 55 64,09% 1x 4
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 78 64,01% 1x 8 - 24
Alpine Cougar 69 60,01% 1x 8
Mardian 42 59,58% 1x 2
Turek Orc Archer 27 59,54% 1x 1
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 78 59,23% 1x 8 - 24


Item Grade Chance Amount
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