Other item detail

item_1894 Crafted Leather
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Master Festina 83 8,82% 4x 5 - 15
Beleth's Assassin 83 6,54% 4x 2 - 6
Spiked Stakato Soldier 83 15,28% 2x 1
Spiked Stakato Captain 83 15,28% 2x 1
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 2,17% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 2,17% 1x 1
Drakos Assassin 83 14,24% 4x 1
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 1,40% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 1,14% 1x 1
Mithril Millipede 85 14,56% 1x 1
Dragon Knight 85 19,64% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Spelunking Spider 47 34,30% 1x 1
Tanta Lizardman Archer 83 32,50% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 29,79% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 28,88% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 84 26,07% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 18,47% 1x 1
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 78 18,15% 1x 1
Hatu Windsus 40 17,03% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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