Other item detail

item_9818 Angelic Essence
Grade NG
Type None
Slot None
Weight 0
Crystal count 0
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss, you can assemble this Crystal of Life and trade it for something useful.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Wizard of Storm Teruk 40 64% 1x 1 - 3
Water Spirit Lian 40 85% 1x 1 - 2
Mirror of Oblivion 49 70% 1x 1 - 4
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun 50 77% 1x 2 - 5
Paniel the Unicorn 54 90% 1x 1 - 3
Pagan Watcher Cerberon 55 80% 1x 2 - 6
Enchanted Forest Watcher Ruell 55 75% 1x 1 - 4
Furious Thieles 55 72% 1x 2 - 7
Fairy Queen Timiniel 61 83% 1x 1 - 4
Flame of Splendor Barakiel 70 81% 1x 3 - 7


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Nenalezeny žádné záznamy.


Item Grade Chance Amount
Nenalezeny žádné záznamy.