Recipe detail

item_3014 Recipe: Full Plate Boots
Grade NG
Type Recipe
MP cost 165
Success rate 100
Weight 30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for Full Plate Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 6. The success rate is 100%.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Doll Master 50 3,54% 1x 1
Zaken's Guard 50 1,54% 1x 1
Fline Elder 51 1,19% 2x 1
Zaken's Royal Guard 50 1,13% 1x 1
Zaken's Guard 50 1,09% 2x 1
Headless Knight 50 1,06% 1x 1
Harit Lizardman 50 1,04% 1x 1
Tanor Silenos Chieftain 50 1,00% 1x 1
Taik Orc Supply 51 0,76% 2x 1
Decayed Ancient Soldier 49 0,70% 4x 1
Hunter Gargoyle 52 0,64% 2x 1
Tarlk Basilisk 50 0,42% 2x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
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