Jewelry detail

item_6659 Earring of Zaken
Grade S
Type None
Slot Earring
Weight 150
Crystal count 124
Magical defense 71
vault.item.manaBonus 31
MP+31; Resistance to Bleed +30%; Bleed attack rate +30%; increases heal amount; vampiric rage effect; Resistance to Shock/Mental attacks +20%; Shock/Mental attack rate +20%. When equipped with two identical earrings, only one effect is applied. When equipped together with Blessed Earring of Zaken, only the effect of Earring of Zaken will be applied.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Zaken 60 85% 1x 1
Zaken 60 0,09% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
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