NPC detail


Soul of Ruins

Type Warrior
Level 54
Race Undead
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 1,62k HP
Base HP regen 6,50
Base MP 861 MP
Base MP regen 2,40
Base attr attack 20 dark
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
-32 holy 53 dark

World map


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_57Adena 70% 1x 5,50k - 11,22k
item_1870Coal 39,5973% 1x 1
item_1865Varnish 39,5973% 1x 1
item_1879Cokes 6,5995% 1x 1
item_1875Stone of Purity 2,6398% 1x 1
item_8726Life Stone - Level 55 0,9166% 1x 1
item_4040Mold Lubricant 0,7920% 1x 1
item_2113Scorpion Blade 0,4156% 1x 1
item_2114Widowmaker Head 0,4156% 1x 1
item_2122Orcish Poleaxe Blade 0,3918% 1x 1
item_4146Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (100%) 0,2538% 1x 1
item_8736Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 0,2292% 1x 1
item_5160Recipe: Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%) 0,0792% 1x 1
item_5436Recipe: Berserker Blade(100%) 0,0646% 1x 1
item_4182Recipe: Great Sword (100%) 0,0456% 1x 1
item_8746High-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 0,0229% 1x 1
item_301Scorpion 0,0047% 1x 1
item_303Widow Maker 0,0047% 1x 1
item_8756Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 0,0046% 1x 1
item_299Orcish Poleaxe 0,0036% 1x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1865Varnish 87,1346% 1x 8 - 24
item_1918Nassen's Earring Gemstone 60,3792% 1x 1
item_1986Full Plate Armor Temper 14,7320% 1x 1
