
The best of the best

Character Clan #
Noobspot Mistborn 1
Nike FuckDreamS 2
elpe 3
MrHeKy Bratrstvo 4
Melusine Pokeballz 5
Tony NightCLub 6
JanekzHavru Mistborn 7
Silverlin STARWARS 8
Caly Mistborn 9
Rich Subject 10
Updated at 2:01 and 14:01

The most famous noblesse raiders

Character Clan # of raids
Shapiro STARWARS 602
Pontifex Mistborn 596
Unriel Bratrstvo 589
Caly Mistborn 586
Nazir Mistborn 586
Volizprut Mistborn 586
Turboklacek Mistborn 576
SEmetrika AFKarena 542
nwc PirateStation 518
Burdasws FuckDreamS 512
Updated at 0:03, 6:03, 12:03 and 18:03

The best fighters

Character Clan PVP
Petyrbaelish Mistborn 768
Mixinger NightCLub 751
Kopilotka Bratrstvo 749
BadDream F 724
Rock3t 1337 719
WaiYuKumNao3 Pokeballz 700
Alastor Subject 685
WaiYuMunChing Pokeballz 660
Rich Subject 647
maxica Subject 645
Updated at 0:02, 6:02, 12:02 and 18:02

The worst murderers

Character Clan PK
Neer Pokeballz 18
Elfy 7 18
Director 17
Against 17
Edwin 17
Wave 16
Togo AFKarena 16
Paullianas Awak3 16
FIFA1 15
Pontifex Mistborn 15
Updated at 0:01, 6:01, 12:01 and 18:01

The wealthy elite

Character Clan Adena
Pablo Circus 1 656 892 280
Mord 1 603 139 899
Penny Mistborn 1 518 943 231
Clien Circus 1 446 285 187
Kotelnik 1 419 289 126
LongestOne 1 374 999 993
Josefka Circus 1 356 607 101
Grubson Hortex 1 305 391 122
NIC0 Circus 1 290 756 919
Holubicka Altea 1 280 945 638
Updated at 0:04, 6:04, 12:04 and 18:04