NPC detail

Raid Boss

Mirror of Oblivion

Type Boss
Level 49
Race Fairy
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 148,08k HP
Base HP regen 51,72
Base MP 720 MP
Base MP regen 2,10
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
53 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map


This NPC has no spawn defined.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_2120Great Pata Blade 75,8154% 4x 3 - 9
item_9818Angelic Essence 70% 1x 1 - 4
item_8176Destruction Tombstone 58% 1x 1 - 2
item_4601Greater Dye of STR 34,0993% 4x 1 - 3
item_4602Greater Dye of STR 22,7329% 4x 2 - 4
item_2497Full Plate Shield 21,8603% 4x 1
item_4603Greater Dye of CON 17,0497% 4x 2 - 6
item_2414Full Plate Helmet 15,3011% 4x 1
item_951Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 11,1598% 4x 3 - 7
item_2959Full Plate Helmet Design 10,3989% 4x 53 - 157
item_2966Full Plate Shield Fragment 4,4982% 4x 192 - 576
item_266Great Pata 4,0182% 4x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
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Item Chance Mpl Amount
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