NPC detail

Lord of Destruction

Carnage Lord Gato

Type Boss
Level 50
Race Humanoid
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 155,05k HP
Base HP regen 53,85
Base MP 747,80 MP
Base MP regen 2,10
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map



Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_2406Avadon Robe 2,1076% 4x 1
item_4071Avadon Robe Fabric 13,2656% 4x 14 - 42
item_8176Destruction Tombstone 85% 1x 1
item_91Heavy War Axe 1,3814% 4x 1
item_4105Heavy War Axe Head 33,0058% 4x 4 - 12
item_9814Memento Mori 85% 1x 1 - 3
item_22225Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (B-Grade) 0,6936% 1x 1
item_22227Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (C-Grade) 1,6996% 1x 1
item_92Sprite's Staff 1,3814% 4x 1
item_4106Sprite's Staff Head 17,3143% 4x 8 - 22
item_2402Stockings of Zubei 5,4810% 4x 1
item_4070Stockings of Zubei Fabric 9,1763% 4x 40 - 120
item_2397Tunic of Zubei 3,4264% 4x 1
item_4069Tunic of Zubei Fabric 26,8604% 4x 9 - 27


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.