Other item detail

item_1889 Compound Braid
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Royal Guard of Empire 78 5,76% 4x 1
Disciples of Authority 76 5,77% 4x 1
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 6,25% 4x 1
Disciples of Authority 76 6,25% 4x 1
Ritual Sacrifice 78 6,37% 4x 1
Royal Guard of Empire 78 6,44% 4x 1
Mercenary of Destruction 78 6,58% 4x 1
Scarlet Stakato Noble 78 6,60% 4x 1
Beleth's Retainer 83 6,74% 4x 4 - 12
Triol's Priest 78 7,13% 4x 1
Slave of Pride 83 7,75% 4x 1
Divine Advocate 78 8,03% 4x 1
Triol's Priest 78 9,57% 4x 1
Slave of Envy 83 10,33% 4x 1
Triol's Priest 78 10,49% 4x 1
Labyrinth Seer 83 11,25% 4x 1
Triol's High Priest 78 11,74% 4x 1
Parme's Guardian 83 15,83% 4x 1
Weylin's Minion 82 17,00% 4x 1
Terod's Minion 82 19,75% 4x 1
Leodas 86 26,82% 4x 4 - 12


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Wisdom of Splendor 62 97,41% 1x 2
Leodas 86 91,88% 1x 8 - 248
Buffalo 70 91,67% 1x 2
Buffalo 70 91,08% 1x 2
Buffalo 70 90,56% 1x 2
Shrine Guard 75 87,68% 1x 2
Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier 35 86,08% 1x 2
Vanor Silenos Scout 47 85,25% 1x 1
Purgatory Tarantula 64 83,55% 1x 4
Hot Springs Buffalo 73 80,73% 1x 4
Scarlet Stakato Noble 78 80,46% 1x 8
Ketra Orc Battalion Commander 78 80,44% 1x 4
Mercenary of Destruction 78 80,18% 1x 8
Alpine Buffalo 67 76,46% 1x 4
Ketra Orc Elite Soldier 78 73,65% 1x 4
Burning Iris 82 72,79% 1x 4
Tamlin Orc Archer 42 70,05% 1x 1
Temple Guard 78 68,41% 1x 8
Hallowed Priest 42 67,53% 1x 2
Alpine Kookaburra 65 65,75% 1x 2
Gigant Overseer 27 63,02% 1x 1
Lith Warrior 27 63,02% 1x 1
Bloody Sniper 71 62,38% 1x 8
Conjurer Bat 70 62,16% 1x 4
Weylin's Minion 82 60,39% 1x 8 - 24


Item Grade Chance Amount
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