Other item detail

item_4040 Mold Lubricant
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
Ingredient for making upper garment tools. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Vampire Warrior 72 0,49% 4x 1
Vanor Silenos Warrior 48 0,49% 2x 1
Decayed Ancient Soldier 49 0,50% 4x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Disciple 63 0,51% 4x 1
Zaken's Watchman 45 0,51% 2x 1
Ghastly Warrior 61 0,53% 4x 1
Crypt Archon 50 0,53% 4x 1
Zaken's Seer 45 0,53% 1x 1
Sairon's Puppet 53 0,55% 4x 1
Beast Seer 59 0,55% 4x 1
Bone Puppeteer 71 0,55% 4x 1
Yintzu 56 0,57% 2x 1
Foundry Laborer 83 0,58% 4x 1
Ragna Orc Commander 49 0,58% 2x 1
Bartal 56 0,59% 1x 1
Purgatory Shadow 61 0,59% 4x 1
Alpine Bandersnatch 64 0,59% 2x 1
Satyr 48 0,59% 4x 1
Ghost of a Doorman 76 0,59% 4x 1
Timak Orc Troop Leader 45 0,60% 2x 1
Purgatory Conjurer 59 0,60% 4x 1
Dragon Bearer Archer 47 0,61% 2x 1
Alpine Cougar 69 0,61% 1x 1
Ragna Orc Hero 48 0,62% 2x 1
Elmoradan's Lady 65 0,62% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 99,61% 1x 2
Corrupt Sage 64 97,46% 1x 1
Carrion Scarab 78 99,56% 1x 1
Carrion Scarab 78 97,06% 1x 1
Bone Shaper 66 63,53% 1x 1
Beleth's Minion 82 50,60% 1x 1
Beleth's Assassin 83 71,37% 1x 8 - 40
Bandersnatch 69 52,92% 1x 1
Bandersnatch 69 53,26% 1x 1
Bandersnatch 69 52,62% 1x 1
Assassin of Empire 78 82,94% 1x 2
Assassin of Empire 78 83,67% 1x 2
Arcane Captain 83 66,42% 1x 8 - 40
Antelope 68 51,27% 1x 1
Antelope 68 51,60% 1x 1
Antelope 68 50,97% 1x 1
Anger of Splendor 63 63,33% 1x 1
Anger of Splendor 63 51,37% 1x 1
Alpine Cougar 69 20,80% 1x 1
Alpine Cougar 69 44,92% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 54,02% 1x 2
Alpine Buffalo 67 54,02% 1x 2


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.