Other item detail

item_734 Haste Potion
Type Potion
Slot None
Weight 20
Crystal count 0
A magical potion that increases movement speed


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Treasures of the Festival 63 28,09% 4x 1
Treasures of the Festival 72 18,79% 4x 2
Treasures of the Festival 72 18,79% 4x 2


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Wererat 16 26,40% 1x 1
Dark Horror 16 31,99% 1x 1
Talon Spider 16 31,68% 1x 1
Pincher 16 31,68% 1x 1
Hunter Tarantula 16 31,68% 1x 1
Boogle Ratman 16 26,40% 1x 1
Gora Werewolf 16 32,31% 1x 1
Undine 17 51,87% 1x 1
Langk Lizardman Warrior 17 33,47% 1x 1
Pinrul 17 32,81% 1x 1
Blade Spider 17 33,47% 1x 1
Grizzly Bear 17 32,49% 1x 1
Pincer Spider 17 33,47% 1x 1
Kuruka Ratman Hunter 17 27,34% 1x 1
Evil Eye Seer 18 34,10% 1x 1
Skeleton Tracker Leader 18 34,44% 1x 1
Skeleton Tracker Leader 18 34,44% 1x 1
Muertos Commander 18 33,38% 1x 1
Shady Muertos Archer 18 51,04% 1x 1
Pitchstone Golem 19 32,62% 1x 1
Skeleton Longbowman 19 30,19% 1x 1
Skeleton Scout 19 35,87% 1x 1
Kasha Imp 19 34,82% 1x 1
Skeleton Scout 19 35,87% 1x 1
Dre Vanul 20 33,69% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.