Other item detail

item_9549 Wind Stone
Type Attribute
Slot None
Weight 120
Crystal count 0
Wind elemental attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth elemental defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of elemental defense attribute can be bestowed, and one type of elemental attack attribute. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed together.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Hungry Parasitic Leech 82 2,41% 4x 1
Howl 81 1,11% 2x 1
Giant Scorpion Bones 83 5,57% 4x 1
Dust Dragon Tracker 84 4,84% 4x 1
Drakos Hunter 83 4,15% 4x 1
Desiccator 81 0,78% 4x 1
Desert Scorpion 81 2,21% 4x 1
Chimera of Earth 81 5,38% 4x 1
Chieftain's Treasure Chest 81 10,02% 2x 1
Bloody Karinness 86 14,81% 4x 1
Bloody Karik 86 5,12% 4x 3 - 9
Bloody Berserker 86 16,30% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
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Item Grade Chance Amount
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