Other item detail

item_9551 Holy Stone
Type Attribute
Slot None
Weight 120
Crystal count 0
Holy elemental attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark elemental defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of elemental defense attribute can be bestowed, and one type of elemental attack attribute. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed together.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Junior Summoner 81 2,36% 4x 1
Divinity Protector 84 2,48% 4x 1
Mystic's Toy 83 2,48% 2x 1
Quarry Patrolman 81 2,50% 4x 1
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 2,57% 1x 1
Tully's Toy 83 2,84% 1x 1
Slave of Gluttony 83 2,85% 2x 1
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 2,97% 4x 1
Lesser Evil 83 3,00% 4x 1
Junior Watchman 81 3,16% 4x 1
Quarry Foreman 81 3,34% 4x 1
Cosmic Watcher 83 3,57% 4x 1
Labyrinth Watchman 83 3,59% 4x 1
Master's Minion 83 3,59% 4x 1
Original Sin Warden 83 4,12% 4x 1
Passageway Mystic 83 4,20% 4x 1
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 4,52% 4x 1
Amaskari 86 4,62% 4x 1
Greater Evil 83 4,74% 4x 1
Mutant Healer 84 4,77% 4x 1
Foundry Mystic 83 4,86% 4x 1
Passageway Captain 83 5,04% 4x 1
Master Zelos 83 5,22% 4x 4 - 12
Master's Guard 83 5,30% 4x 1
Arcane Scout 81 5,42% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
No items were found.


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.