Other item detail

item_9599 Ancient Tome of the Demon
Grade NG
Type None
Slot None
Weight 0
Crystal count 0
A book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Desert Scorpion 81 57,43% 1x 5 - 15
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 58,83% 1x 10 - 30
Enceinte Defender 81 59,25% 1x 5
Quarry Foreman 81 59,77% 1x 10 - 30
Beleth's Devotee 83 59,79% 1x 15 - 45
Amaskari 86 60,19% 1x 10 - 20
Master's Guard 83 60,35% 1x 10 - 30
Master's Guard 83 61,22% 1x 10 - 30
Chimera of Earth 81 61,30% 1x 10 - 30
Chimera of Fire 81 61,56% 1x 10 - 30
Failan's Guard 83 61,67% 1x 5
Chimera of Darkness 81 63,73% 1x 10 - 30
Chimera of Wind 81 63,73% 1x 10 - 30
Arcane Captain 83 63,91% 1x 20 - 60
Cosmic Priest 83 65,57% 1x 15 - 45
Beleth's Minion 83 66,04% 1x 10 - 30
Steel Citadel Keymaster 81 67,86% 1x 15 - 45
Beleth's Assassin 83 68,67% 1x 20 - 60
Arcane Scout 81 70,54% 1x 10 - 30
Keltas 81 70,80% 1x 20 - 60
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 71,52% 1x 20 - 60
Junior Watchman 81 72,10% 1x 5 - 15
Junior Summoner 81 72,10% 1x 5 - 15
Arcane Watchman 81 72,84% 1x 10 - 30
Cosmic Lord 83 74,58% 1x 35 - 105


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
No items were found.


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.