Other item detail

item_960 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
Type Enchant
Slot None
Weight 120
Crystal count 0
When enchanted, P. Def. increases by 1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Starting at +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP bonus is granted. Enchanting is safe up to +3, but one-piece body armor can be safely enchanted up to +4.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Hasturan 78 0,03% 4x 1
Grave Robber Summoner 81 0,03% 2x 1
Assassin Beetle 78 0,03% 4x 1
Necromancer of Destruction 78 0,03% 4x 1
Imperial Commander 78 0,03% 4x 1
Ustralith 78 0,03% 4x 1
Guardian Scarab 78 0,03% 4x 1
Hasturan 78 0,03% 4x 1
Assassin of Empire 78 0,03% 4x 1
Assassin of Empire 78 0,03% 4x 1
Temple Guard 78 0,03% 4x 1
Arimanes of Destruction 78 0,03% 4x 1
Abraxion 78 0,03% 4x 1
Tepra Scorpion 78 0,03% 4x 1
Varka Silenos General 78 0,03% 4x 1
Varka's Commander 78 0,03% 4x 1
Ritual Offering 78 0,03% 4x 1
Varka's Head Magus 78 0,03% 4x 1
Blind Huntsman 81 0,03% 4x 1
Varka Silenos Officer 78 0,03% 4x 1
Guardian Scarab 78 0,03% 4x 1
Spiked Stakato Nurse 78 0,03% 4x 1
Offering Bug 78 0,03% 4x 1
Plaza Helm 82 0,03% 4x 1
Ketra Orc Grand Seer 78 0,02% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 0,34% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 84 0,25% 1x 1
Andreas' Captain of the Royal Guard 78 0,16% 1x 1
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 0,12% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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