Recipe detail

item_1807 Recipe: Soulshot (A-Grade)
Grade NG
Type Recipe
MP cost 120
Success rate 100
Weight 30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for a soulshot-Grade A. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 7. The success rate is 100%.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Hames Orc Scout 68 0,02% 4x 1
Punishment of Splendor 64 0,03% 4x 1
Wisdom of Splendor 62 0,03% 4x 1
Pytan Knight 68 0,04% 4x 1
Punishment of Splendor 64 0,05% 2x 1
Amon's Spirits 74 0,05% 4x 1
Purgatory Liviona 71 0,05% 4x 1
Lesser Ancient Scout 74 0,06% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Platinum Guardian Warrior 72 10,83% 1x 1
Bloody Liviona 72 9,99% 1x 1
Lilim Knight Commander 72 8,76% 1x 1
Nephilim Praetorian 72 8,76% 1x 1
Crypt Preacher 72 6,73% 1x 1