Recipe detail

item_1808 Recipe: Soulshot (S-Grade)
Grade NG
Type Recipe
MP cost 150
Success rate 100
Weight 30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for a soulshot-Grade S. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 8. The success rate is 100%.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 <0.01% 1x 1
Island Guardian 78 0,01% 4x 1
Bone Puppeteer 71 0,01% 4x 1
Ketra Orc Footman 77 0,02% 4x 1
Dark Omen Invader Shaman 73 0,02% 4x 1
Varka Silenos Hunter 78 0,02% 4x 1
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 75 0,03% 4x 1
Eye of Ruler 74 0,04% 4x 1
Kertang's Messenger 75 0,06% 1x 1
Remnant Diabolist 81 0,19% 4x 1
Savage Warrior 77 0,21% 2x 1
Fanatic of Infinity 76 0,26% 2x 1


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