Recipe detail

item_2225 Recipe: Demon's Stockings
Grade NG
Type Recipe
MP cost 156
Success rate 100
Weight 30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for Demon's Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 5. The success rate is 100%.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Blade Stakato Drone 44 0,48% 4x 1
Enchanted Gargoyle 44 0,21% 4x 1
Farhite Lad 44 0,71% 2x 1
Grave Wanderer 45 0,41% 2x 1
Krator 44 0,45% 4x 1
Nightmare Guide 43 0,72% 1x 1
Nightmare Keeper 45 0,39% 2x 1
Ossiud 47 2,23% 1x 1
Snipe 44 4,48% 1x 1
Taik Orc Captain 44 0,40% 4x 1
Tainted Ogre 45 0,38% 4x 1
Tanor Silenos Warrior 46 0,41% 2x 1
Timak Orc Shaman 44 0,18% 4x 1
Timak Orc Troop Leader 45 0,66% 2x 1
Trisalim Spider 45 0,18% 4x 1
Vanor Silenos 45 0,85% 1x 1
Water Giant 45 0,39% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
No items were found.