Recipe detail

item_5230 Recipe: Mithril Arrow (100%)
Grade NG
Type Recipe
MP cost 130
Success rate 100
Weight 30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for a Mithril Arrow. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 4. The success rate is 100%.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Spiteful Soul Fighter 62 0,02% 4x 1
Bathin's Wizard 62 0,03% 4x 1
Soul of Splendor 63 0,02% 4x 1
Bloody Ghost 64 0,02% 2x 1
Elmoradan's Maid 64 0,04% 4x 1
Bloody Knight 65 0,03% 2x 1
Sepulcher Guardian 65 0,05% 4x 1
Bloody Priest 66 0,03% 2x 1
Nephilim Scout 66 0,11% 4x 1
Lilim Assassin 66 0,09% 4x 1
Sepulcher Sage 67 0,05% 4x 1
Glow Wisp 67 0,04% 2x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Bathin's Wizard 62 5,44% 1x 1
Bathin's Knight 62 5,72% 1x 1
Doom Archer 62 3,26% 1x 1
Crypt Sage 62 6,07% 1x 1
Crendion 62 5,60% 1x 1
Blader of Despair 62 6,47% 1x 1
Death Wave 62 6,08% 1x 1
Ghostly Warrior 62 2,53% 1x 1
Ghostly Warrior 62 2,53% 1x 1
Sepulcher Sage 62 6,07% 1x 1
Lesser Giant Soldier 62 7,02% 1x 1
Spiteful Soul Fighter 62 3,89% 1x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Magus 63 10,72% 1x 1
Hallate's Royal Guard 63 6,70% 1x 1
Spiteful Soul Wizard 63 4,60% 1x 1
Lilim Knight 63 8,18% 1x 1
Nephilim Centurion 63 8,18% 1x 1
Corrupted Knight 63 3,30% 1x 1
Elmoradan's Archer Escort 64 6,56% 1x 1
Falibati 64 2,64% 1x 1
Plando 64 8,70% 1x 1
Bloody Ghost 64 1,75% 1x 1
Guardian Warrior of Elmoreden 64 6,18% 1x 1
Guardian Warrior of Elmoreden 64 6,18% 1x 1
Elmoradan's Archer Escort 64 6,56% 1x 1