
The strongest clans

# Clan Lead by
31 HereYouAre Skladnik
32 MittalSteel Palis
33 PirateStation BoostFS
34 AFRICA Fangorn
35 MoonlightCats Vivian
36 Petkovia Tatkos
37 DragonRiders Elbeth
38 ShadowRealm fauxPas
39 Whitehill Poklad
40 vstoupenci ovecko
Updated at 2:05 and 14:05

The most fighting clans

# Clan Lead by
21 ViciousMockery promo
22 Kobra Stibinka
23 DeathonCall Bibisek
24 ShadowRealm fauxPas
25 Conglomeritos PremekPodlaha
26 Blavin Kovarik
27 FarmerStyle Tribalek
28 Immortalis Crom
29 TropicaL Tropical4
30 MoonlightCats Vivian
Updated at 2:06 and 14:06

The biggest clans

# Clan Lead by
31 Kobraa Vondy
32 Whitehill Poklad
33 mupets Svarog
34 Audeamus Dumpis
35 PirateStation BoostFS
36 chleba Kundenmana
37 ViciousMockery promo
38 L2Masters Bulba
39 AFRICA Fangorn
40 DragonRiders Elbeth
Updated at 2:07 and 14:07

Clans possessing most of exquisite jewelery

# Clan Lead by
11 STARWARS Silverlin
12 CzechCore Desade
13 1337 crft
14 Altea Holubicka
15 Audeamus Dumpis
16 DeathonCall Bibisek
17 DragonRiders Elbeth
18 MembersOnly LuckyStar
19 Hell Bivoj
20 SnowPlow Greedy
Updated at 2:08 and 14:08