
The best of the best

Character Clan #
Axolot NightCLub 31
Enigmac AFKarena 32
sa2sa Ebrithil 34
Barlock NightCLub 35
DonPepinko Mistborn 36
Egypt AFKarena 37
Fanderay Mistborn 38
su11 Subject 39
Azrl Bratrstvo 40
Updated at 2:01 and 14:01

The most famous noblesse raiders

Character Clan # of raids
Noobspot Mistborn 684
Nike FuckDreamS 684
LopataX STARWARS 669
Sophie Bratrstvo 643
Sigr Druzina 634
ovcomrd AFKarena 611
Vetrelec NightCLub 610
LosDance Bratrstvo 608
Shapiro STARWARS 602
Pontifex Mistborn 596
Updated at 0:03, 6:03, 12:03 and 18:03

The best fighters

Character Clan PVP
Noobspot Mistborn 3 413
ChrysFort Circus 3 346
Nike FuckDreamS 3 037
elpe 2 947
Tony NightCLub 1 956
Verot Circus 1 939
Ecthelion NightCLub 1 684
iOzzo STARWARS 1 642
Melusine Pokeballz 1 619
Sipanda NightCLub 1 410
Updated at 0:02, 6:02, 12:02 and 18:02

The worst murderers

Character Clan PK
Neer Pokeballz 18
Elfy 7 18
Director 17
Against 17
Edwin 17
Wave 16
Togo AFKarena 16
Paullianas Awak3 16
FIFA1 15
Pontifex Mistborn 15
Updated at 0:01, 6:01, 12:01 and 18:01

The wealthy elite

Character Clan Adena
Egypt AFKarena 2 907 134 716
Destro DeathonCall 2 658 894 019
Elbeth DragonRiders 2 610 718 005
Viper 2 333 940 701
MaKouu Subject 1 945 782 853
Sprzedawczyk 1 922 687 157
Pelops 1 870 396 658
Argawaen Pokeballz 1 745 243 007
Lumika 1 733 531 048
Kulicka 1 693 295 400
Updated at 0:04, 6:04, 12:04 and 18:04