
The best of the best

Character Clan #
Axolot NightCLub 31
Enigmac AFKarena 32
sa2sa Ebrithil 34
Barlock NightCLub 35
DonPepinko Mistborn 36
Egypt AFKarena 37
Fanderay Mistborn 38
su11 Subject 39
Azrl Bratrstvo 40
Updated at 2:01 and 14:01

The most famous noblesse raiders

Character Clan # of raids
zivago Bratrstvo 512
Encorre Mistborn 508
Mesanek NightCLub 498
BadDream F 492
Dumbo FuckDreamS 475
su15 Subject 474
Inuel NightCLub 473
Dragonslayer NightCLub 471
su16 Subject 464
MorganaHell1 Pokeballz 458
Updated at 0:03, 6:03, 12:03 and 18:03

The best fighters

Character Clan PVP
Noobspot Mistborn 3 413
ChrysFort Circus 3 346
Nike FuckDreamS 3 037
elpe 2 947
Tony NightCLub 1 956
Verot Circus 1 939
Ecthelion NightCLub 1 684
iOzzo STARWARS 1 642
Melusine Pokeballz 1 619
Sipanda NightCLub 1 410
Updated at 0:02, 6:02, 12:02 and 18:02

The worst murderers

Character Clan PK
Nekro 14
YuTingTong Pokeballz 14
Marvel 14
Fejkii AFKarena 14
Fallen PowerRangers 14
KromPro ReversePolarity 13
su01 Subject 13
Updated at 0:01, 6:01, 12:01 and 18:01

The wealthy elite

Character Clan Adena
Egypt AFKarena 2 907 134 716
Destro DeathonCall 2 658 894 019
Elbeth DragonRiders 2 610 718 005
Viper 2 333 940 701
MaKouu Subject 1 945 782 853
Sprzedawczyk 1 922 687 157
Pelops 1 870 396 658
Argawaen Pokeballz 1 745 243 007
Lumika 1 733 531 048
Kulicka 1 693 295 400
Updated at 0:04, 6:04, 12:04 and 18:04