
The best of the best

Character Clan #
Sipanda NightCLub 11
Ecthelion NightCLub 12
Stanina NightCLub 13
KolyaDVD 1337 14
YuDaiSun Pokeballz 15
Silverlin STARWARS 17
su50 Subject 19
Pontifex Mistborn 20
Updated at 2:01 and 14:01

The most famous noblesse raiders

Character Clan # of raids
su16 Subject 464
Inuel NightCLub 463
MorganaHell1 Pokeballz 458
FejkiiCAT DragonRiders 457
su38 Subject 451
Camix AFKarena 451
Vapor Bratrstvo 449
Wabaky Druzina 434
Metaxa Mistborn 428
su18 Subject 426
Updated at 0:03, 6:03, 12:03 and 18:03

The best fighters

Character Clan PVP
Noobspot Mistborn 3 057
Nike FuckDreamS 3 037
elpe 2 947
ChrysFort mupets 2 382
Tony NightCLub 1 956
Ecthelion NightCLub 1 684
Verot Circus 1 672
iOzzo STARWARS 1 642
Melusine Pokeballz 1 619
Sipanda NightCLub 1 410
Updated at 0:02, 6:02, 12:02 and 18:02

The worst murderers

Character Clan PK
Nakokuru AFKarena 12
su38 Subject 12
VlRUS DreamTeam 12
Nekonecny Seiretei 12
Wild NightCLub 12
fdod F 12
Mikyn 12
PanPrd Druzina 12
Armagedon AFRICA 11
Asahi 11
Updated at 0:01, 6:01, 12:01 and 18:01

The wealthy elite

Character Clan Adena
NIC0 Circus 1 804 568 260
Argawaen Pokeballz 1 745 243 007
Lumika 1 733 531 048
Pablo Circus 1 671 920 960
Mord 1 603 139 899
Penny Mistborn 1 518 943 231
Kulicka 1 420 415 400
Kotelnik 1 419 289 126
Grubson Hortex 1 305 391 122
Holubicka Altea 1 280 945 638
Updated at 0:04, 6:04, 12:04 and 18:04