Jewelry detail

item_882 Mithril Ring
Grade D
Type None
Slot Ring
Weight 150
Crystal count 115
Magical defense 24
vault.item.manaBonus 0
This item has no description.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash 33 3,97% 4x 5 - 15
Revenant of Sir Calibus 34 4,14% 4x 5 - 15
Tasaba Patriarch Hellena 35 4,32% 4x 5 - 15
Sebek 36 4,51% 4x 5 - 15
Queen Ant 40 35% 1x 1 - 2
Excuro 41 0,47% 1x 1
Dark Spider 42 0,10% 1x 1
Blade Stakato Worker 42 0,34% 1x 1
Taik Orc Shaman 43 0,26% 1x 1
Rotting tree 43 0,23% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
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