NPC detail



Type Warrior
Level 49
Race Construct
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 1,37k HP
Base HP regen 5,50
Base MP 720 MP
Base MP regen 2,10
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map



Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_8754Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 49 0,0070% 1x 1
item_8744High-Grade Life Stone - Level 49 0,0344% 1x 1
item_916Necklace of Protection 0,0686% 1x 1
item_853Earring of Protection 0,0914% 1x 1
item_884Ring of Protection 0,1371% 1x 1
item_8734Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 49 0,3438% 1x 1
item_952Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 0,5500% 1x 1
item_8724Life Stone - Level 49 1,3751% 1x 1
item_4043Asofe 1,3751% 1x 1
item_4039Mold Glue 1,3751% 1x 1
item_1874Oriharukon Ore 2,7503% 1x 1
item_1913Necklace of Protection Gemstone 4,1813% 1x 1
item_1911Earring of Protection Gemstone 5,1143% 1x 1
item_1912Ring of Protection Gemstone 7,4097% 1x 1
item_1865Varnish 41,2538% 1x 1
item_1870Coal 41,2538% 1x 1
item_57Adena 70% 1x 3,67k - 7,50k


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1976Rind Leather Gaiters Material 56,6176% 1x 1
item_2335Recipe: War Axe 2,1656% 1x 1
item_2167Recipe: Ring of Ages 47,5040% 1x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.