NPC detail



Type Warrior
Level 78
Race Bug
Sex Male
HP increase 5x
Base HP 2,98k HP
Base HP regen 8,72
Base MP 1,74k MP
Base MP regen 3,08
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map



Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1868Thread 25,6118% 4x 4 - 12
item_1873Silver Nugget 6,8298% 4x 3 - 9
item_5495Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment 10,3711% 1x 1
item_5528Sealed Majestic Circlet Design 8,1659% 1x 1
item_5527Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design 8,1658% 1x 1
item_960Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 0,0410% 4x 1
item_1876Mithril Ore 20,4895% 4x 1
item_1344Mithril Arrow 8,5372% 4x 15 - 45
item_8742Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 0,2134% 4x 1
item_1895Metallic Fiber 29,2706% 4x 1
item_8732Life Stone - Level 76 0,8537% 4x 1
item_8752High-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 0,0213% 4x 1
item_4042Enria 1,7075% 4x 1
item_12268Common Item - Sealed Shield of Nightmare 1,7717% 1x 1
item_12261Common Item - Sealed Majestic Circlet 1,2395% 1x 1
item_12269Common Item - Sealed Helm of Nightmare 1,2395% 1x 1
item_57Adena 70% 1x 54,61k - 111,82k


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1808Recipe: Soulshot (S-Grade) 4,9328% 1x 1
item_5545Dark Legion's Edge Blade 30,4488% 1x 1
item_1876Mithril Ore 92,4871% 1x 8 - 40


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.