NPC detail



Type Warrior
Level 81
Race Construct
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 338,77k HP
Base HP regen 194,03
Base MP 1,71k MP
Base MP regen 3
Base attr attack 40 dark
Base attr defense 150 fire 60 water
100 wind 100 earth
50 holy 150 dark

World map


This NPC has no spawn defined.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_9599Ancient Tome of the Demon 88,4200% 1x 30 - 90
item_57Adena 66% 1x 969,42k - 1,94M
item_5534Soul Bow Stave 55,9312% 2x 1
item_1872Animal Bone 32,3372% 4x 60 - 180
item_9551Holy Stone 23,2827% 4x 1
item_1882Leather 11,9767% 4x 27 - 81
item_1894Crafted Leather 10,2118% 4x 5 - 15
item_1867Animal Skin 6,2995% 4x 308 - 924
item_4042Enria 4,0422% 4x 6 - 18
item_6901Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) 2,9104% 4x 1
item_289Soul Bow 0,1964% 2x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1894Crafted Leather 90,6932% 1x 8 - 120
item_4042Enria 86,1586% 1x 8 - 56
item_960Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 66,1696% 1x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.