Other item detail

item_1865 Varnish
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Bone Shaper 66 23,46% 4x 1
Bound Shaman 72 40,58% 4x 1
Bound Warrior 72 37,52% 4x 1
Breka Orc Overlord 35 20,06% 4x 1
Brown Bear 16 37,80% 1x 1
Catacomb Barbed Bat 23 37,03% 4x 1
Catacomb Shadow 34 25,23% 4x 1
Catherok 42 25,39% 4x 1
Cave Servant 46 23,24% 2x 1
Chromatic Detainee 81 16,12% 4x 2 - 6
Corpse Candle 17 8,29% 2x 1
Corrupted Guard 64 17,22% 4x 1
Corrupted Guard 64 17,56% 4x 1
Corrupt Sage 64 32,71% 4x 1
Crasher 14 9,87% 2x 1
Crimson Spider 16 36,99% 1x 1
Crimson Veil Master 54 7,12% 4x 2 - 6
Crokian Lad Warrior 43 30,69% 4x 1
Cruel Vice Golem 49 31,43% 2x 1
Cruma Phantom 50 14,27% 4x 28 - 84
Crypt Archon 50 26,69% 4x 1
Cursed Guardian 73 20,91% 4x 1
Dark Corpse 40 40,42% 1x 1
Dark Omen Invader Martyrs 70 31,15% 4x 1
Dark Omen Invader Shaman 73 45,68% 4x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Goblin Lookout 8 99,70% 1x 1
Maille Lizardman 20 97,28% 1x 1
Gora Werewolf 16 96,93% 1x 2
Stone Golem 13 96,74% 1x 2
Skeleton Infantryman 16 95,03% 1x 2
Cruma Phantom 50 93,49% 1x 8 - 984
Ol Mahum Ranger 22 93,40% 1x 4
Vault Sentinel 35 92,50% 1x 8 - 24
Goblin Brigand Leader 14 90,94% 1x 2
Scarlet Salamander 17 90,23% 1x 2
Ol Mahum General 26 90,18% 1x 4
Ol Mahum Captain 25 89,04% 1x 4
Soul of Ruins 54 87,13% 1x 8 - 24
Windsus 39 86,97% 1x 8
Pronghorn Spirit 56 86,91% 1x 8 - 40
Festering Bat 13 86,05% 1x 2
Harit Lizardman Shaman 54 85,43% 1x 8 - 24
Beast Seer 59 85,26% 1x 8 - 88
Cave Blade Spider 17 83,67% 1x 2
Omen Beast 17 82,03% 1x 2
Greater Musveren 49 81,70% 1x 8 - 72
Salamander 17 80,39% 1x 4
Langk Lizardman Shaman 24 79,88% 1x 4
Lesser Warlike Tyrant 33 79,49% 1x 8
Ghost of a Morek Chief 33 77,87% 1x 8


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.