Other item detail

item_9991 Sealed Dynasty Earring Gemstone
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 60
Crystal count 0
A key material that Dwarves use to make Sealed Dynasty Earring. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Blazing Ifrit 78 1,93% 1x 1
Cursed Guardian! 80 0,92% 1x 1
Aenkinel 81 15,94% 4x 2 - 4
Servitor of Darkness 81 0,49% 1x 1
Ragna Orc Healer 81 0,52% 1x 1
Aenkinel 81 15,94% 4x 2 - 4
Aenkinel 81 15,94% 4x 2 - 4
Cohemenes 81 11,31% 2x 1 - 3
Aenkinel 81 15,94% 4x 2 - 4
Nihil Invader Warrior 82 4,52% 1x 1
Turka Commander's Ghost 82 1,91% 1x 1
Aenkinel 82 36,87% 2x 9 - 27
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 83 3,95% 1x 1
Aenkinel 84 21,62% 4x 9 - 27
Mutant Healer 84 7,46% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Mutant Destroyer 84 96,02% 1x 1
Lesser Giant 81 93,86% 1x 1
Blazing Ifrit 78 31,44% 1x 1
Guardian Waterspirit 84 12,00% 1x 1
Evil Spirits of the Mine 82 6,52% 1x 1
Grave Robber Warrior 81 5,22% 1x 1
Contaminated Mucrokian 83 4,10% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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