Closure of Dark Elmore and preparations of Grand Elmore

Dark Elmore 2018 (IL 16x)

Dear players,

we have been considering what to do with Dark Elmore Interlude for a long time. The population has reduced to 80-100 HWIDs/week, what is not that low. However, after the start of DE18 we had to move the game server and webserver to the Netherlands so that we could maximize their security against DDoS attacks, what we managed to achieve in the end. Unfortunately this lead to significant increase in server maintenance costs. We are sorry, but we are unable to keep the server running with such low activity. We are simply not able to cover the server maintenance costs. The option to move the server back to Czech Republic is not possible, because even now the server is occasionally DDoS attacked. We will not lower our security standards, on the contrary we will improve it in the future.

Due to the above mentioned reasons the server Dark Elmore 2018 will be closed on the 29th of July 2019. After regular server shutdown, the server will not be coming on again.

From march 2019 we have been intensively working on preparations of new project. After the start of Interlude last year we promised that the next project will be a higher chronicle. We will keep this promise. We estimate that in the second half of September 2019 the new project with name Grand Elmore - Gracia Epilogue 2019 will start.

As with other projects, we will launch open Beta test prior to live server start (We estimate beta test will start in second half of August). Beta will enable everybody to thoroughly test the server and its setup. We will again be open to suggestions and modifications as it was with previous projects.